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How to shift our perceptions of aging - and make it a positive experience.

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Is it possible to change the way you feel about getting older?

Why do so many women feel bad about “losing their looks,” seeing wrinkles, and noticing grey hair?

This is a learned pattern where we’ve been repeatedly told by society, our culture, and even generationally that a woman 50+ is IN DECLINE.

The beauty of a learned pattern is that it can be unlearned. More about this later!

We are subtly told that a woman over 50 is no longer interested in sex, her career, her looks, or in a cause. And she’s no longer of interest.

A mom returning to the workplace has a more challenging time finding employment.

A female over 55 working at a company is wondering when will she be let go due to her age. In most workplaces for every dollar a man makes, the woman still earns 81 cents.

On a personal health issue, most women going through menopause hide their symptoms like hot flashes from their partners, trying not to come across as being old.

Most magazines, with the exception of The ProAgeWoman, routinely use the words “anti-aging” and “look younger” in their messages. We are bombarded with the messaging that Youth equals Good, we assume it must be true.

But is it?

Too many women reach their 50s with a feeling of dread that their life is over. This feeling can lead to depression and a sense that they don’t matter anymore. Women have been groomed to need assurances from others mainly based on youthful looks.

Can we shift where our validation comes from?

What if we can embrace this change as positive, of one continued growth, as an evolution of self that we can and DO contribute to society?

I mentioned before that this is a learned pattern and based on the science of neuroplasticity, this pattern can be unlearned.

I am a pelvic PT, treated over 15 thousand women and implementing the science of neuroplasticity to help women dramatically reverse chronic pelvic pain and pelvic floor symptoms.

Neuroplasticity means that our nervous system and brain can learn new skills throughout our whole lifetime. Our spinal neurons and brain cells have the ability to rewire and with repetition, we can strengthen new, healthier patterns of thinking and behaving.

Neuroplasticity helps us learn a new language, a new dance routine return to school and learn a new career, pick up pickleball, paint, and create art. This takes practice and time.

Using this innate skill to shift our responses toward aging.

While we cannot change society's views in a snap, we can start the process by implementing patterns of behavior that are more uplifting for ourselves personally.

  • Smile when you look in the mirror,

  • Say positive affirmations such as “I love my body and mind”.

  • “I am grateful for the passion I have for my career or volunteer organization”.

  • “I love helping others through my wisdom of being a 50+ woman”.

With repeated practice choosing to see yourself as a valid well-loved person, to seek out feel-good energy, you can increase your sense of well-being and hopefully inspire others to shift their thinking.



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