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Apr 30, 20244 min read
Healing Chronic Pelvic Pain with a Digital Solution
In my 25 years as a pelvic physical therapist, I witnessed more women patients with chronic pelvic pain achieve their goals with minimal,...

Feb 9, 20232 min read
Achieve Inner Calm with this Simple Five Minute Morning Meditation
Quiet Focus for Inner Calm is a practice that develops your ability to be mindful. Being mindful is being present as you go through your...

Jan 9, 20233 min read
The Future is FemTech for Optimum Women's Health
Recent statistics about women's health summarized nicely on WHAM website are enlightening. However, women’s healthcare based on...

Nov 15, 20222 min read
How to shift our perceptions of aging - and make it a positive experience.
Is it possible to change the way you feel about getting older? Why do so many women feel bad about “losing their looks,” seeing wrinkles,...

Oct 31, 20223 min read
Pain With Intimacy? How One Woman Rewired Her Anxious Brain to Achieve the Sex Life She Deserves.
Shelby (name changed for confidentiality) is a recently married, busy student in her mid-twenties. Shelby experienced 'extreme pain' at...

Jul 28, 20223 min read
Suffering from Vaginal Pain during Sex? Here is how you can be Pain-Free.
At conferences of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (, there are many presentations about...

Jul 14, 20222 min read
Can listening (and acting) on your intuition prevent, or heal pelvic pain?
Intuition describes various ways you get information without using known logical or rational processes. One helpful way to understand...
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